Early summer update
It has been some time since my last update. I’ve been very busy filming Whooper Swans, Common Cranes, swimming Moose, Black-throated Loons, two theater shows and two different culture events, not to mention pitching some new technology for Finlands national TV and planning a new documentary of my own.
Busy times.
At the moment I’m up north 90km south-east from Oulu where I’m trying to get the hatching of Black Grouse and Eurasian Curlew. This is as well the first gig for my new camera, the Panasonic GH4. At this time I’m using it only as a remote camera. Such a joy with a 4K remote camera where you even can change most of the camera setting from a 20m distance by WiFi. By putting the camera to sleep I can save a lot of battery power and wake it up remotely when something interesting happens.
Even though I’ve not been able to update, I’m pleased to see that more and more people visits my site and even comments a bit around the pages. I happened to sign in at a funny visitor counter value and couldn’t be without taking a screenshot of it =D

Here’s some more photos from late spring to early summer: